What is FinanceTalk?
Finance Talk is the recruitment fair promoted by Poli Finance that aims to expose the university universe to the most relevant companies in the financial market.
In 2022 Finance Talk returned to its face-to-face format after three years.
These companies were in the last edition.
Students are given the opportunity to get in touch with big institutions, which will present their values and their students' career perspectives. At the same time, the companies have the chance to meet the best future professionals in Brazil, since the event is attended by students from all over USP!
Strengthen the financial market - academic universe relationship
Provide knowledge and technical information on the main financial market areas through informal conversations with professionals from the industry
How it works?
The event is set up with "stands" around the room, promoting informal conversations with professionals, who give the present freedom to answer questions, learn more about the day to day of each area and understand the dynamics within the institution.
Each company has two stools, a table and a banner with information about the institution and the area in which it operates. All this creates an inviting space for students to get closer to the financial market! In addition, there is a coffee break offered to everyone!
Consolidate a professional networking with the best professionals in the field
Check out the latest editions of finance talk!
It took place in June/2017, with the presence of 11 institutions from different areas of the financial market
Presence of 300+ students, including polytechnics, students from USP and even from other states
Each institution had a space for stools, tables and a banner. There was also a coffee break for the members of the companies and the attendees
The second edition of the event was attended by 9 institutions, representing 8 different areas of the financial market
We also had recruitment lectures for the attendees' areas of interest, offered by the professionals themselves