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Sirius Finance

Poli Finance is proud to present, in partnership with Aster Capital and B3, the release of Sirius Finance Investment Club, with custody in collaboration with Nova Futura Investimentos.

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Investment Philosophy

Continuous learning, compounding capital and long term perspective

"Avoiding Stupidity is Easier Than Seeking Brilliance

 It is fundamental for the philosophy to be in confluence with the club

Learning is the cornerstone of every process. Therefore, we believe that searching for exceptional companies and creating a deep understanding of the business is the path to bring the greatest return to the members. We search for the following innegotiable characteristics in our potential investments:

  • Clear means for profit growth 

  • Capital allocation opportunities at return rates substantially above cost  of capital

  • Clear barriers to entry

  • Exceptional management and alligned for long term

  • Attractive valuation

  • We will not invest in excessively cyclical companies and those dependent of exogenous factors (e.g.: commodities and construction companies)

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